Persuasive editing for government and business

Shorewalker DMS's persuasive editing helps to sharpen and simplify your complex reports and other messages so that they repay your investment.

“Worked with the team to build the key communications messages that have been used to ‘sell’ the reform agenda”

– Senior state government treasury official

Shorewalker DMS helps businesses and governments to shape and edit economic, social, business, technical and scientific content.

Everything that organisations say is under unprecedented scrutiny. Your work needs to persuade a critical audience. You want people to understand what you are saying, and to care about it. And you want decision-makers to act.

You can get high-impact help to achieve this. Shorewalker DMS helps our clients to shape their reports, white papers and other messages so that they persuade more people. We call this "persuasive editing". Our best-in-class work helps governments, businesses and other organisations to spread awareness, increase engagement, and get decisions made.

Persuade your target audiences

Does your government or business body need to express complex ideas to your audiences? To persuade them to back an idea or policy? To report on what you have done or can do for them? To win their trust in your expertise? To convince them to make a call or to purchase your product or service? To explain to them how to carry out a series of technical tasks?

Your organisation may be in government, finance, law, accounting, public policy, software, general business or something else. Wherever you are, chances are that you worry your messages aren't persuading your audiences. Shorewalker DMS editing and authoring delivers messages that persuade better. We work with your team to make sure that your content hits your targets.

More about the editing and content skills you'll buy

Tap expertise developed over decades

Shorewalker DMS principal David Walker has spent more than three decades writing and analysing reports for organisations, using communications to persuade and motivate action, and helping and coaching clients to persuade their target audiences. He has raised impact in executive roles at organisations ranging from data-driven online mortgage sales pioneer eChoice to the Business Council of Australia. He has edited half a dozen regular publications, including the global-award-winning INTHEBLACK for CPA Australia. 

Shorewalker DMS has designed and edited content for organisations of all sorts. They range from the world's most famous management consultancy to Australia's largest state government.

More about the firm you'll work with

Have an expert help your work gain oomph

Government and corporate reports gain new impact – oomph – with persuasive editing. We've been trusted to guide and edit dozens of reports for governments, businesses, professional organisations, think-tanks and not-for-profits, for online and print use. Our clients understand that we help their teams to build clear, direct cases that can convince audiences.

And because we understand report content and its effects, our clients often ask us to rewrite and improve their messages, summaries, chapters and even whole reports. We can act as the report doctor for your important but not-yet-ready document. 

More about our corporate and government report services

Pick the persuasive editing services your work needs

Shorewalker DMS specialises in preparing reports for government, business audiences and the general public.

You tell us what you need (and we can help you figure it out). "Editing" of reports and other documents comes in far more than just one flavour. Your options range from proofreading, through copyediting to heavier editing. If necessary, we can completely rewrite sections of a text. We develop key messages. We improve and simplify text and graphics. Our intensive editing will add impact to your reports and other projects.

Responding to client demand, we have added a strategic review service. In a strategic document review, we analyse your current document's persuasive performance against your goals for it. 

Whatever service you choose, we help make your material easy for audiences to understand, to use, and to buy into. And by clarifying its arguments and simplifying its language, we make your messages easier to pass on to others – whether through social media, convincing conversations, or other means.

More about your choices

Test us with a 15-minute no-cost, no-BS conversation

Explain your editing and authoring issues, and we'll give you at least one way to quickly raise the impact of your document – free of charge and with no obligation.

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