The Shorewalker On Reports podcast
We talk with experts about how to create better public reports – documents that explain complex issues to a wide audience. You may be in government, in a non-government organisation, or in a business. But if you create public reports, this podcast may be for you.
Each of our podcasts comes with comprehensive show notes, guest profiles and full transcript of the show.
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The episodes
John Daley: Prioritise what matters
Former Grattan Institute CEO John Daley explains why and how think-tanks, government departments and other report-writing bodies should prioritise. To most influence people's lives for the better, they must ask: which issues should we go after?
John Daley: Give your decision-makers the report they need
Independent policy consultant and former Grattan Institute CEO John Daley explains how to write reports so that decision-makers will be able to use them to actually make policy. (That's what we want, right?)
Gary Banks 2: How reports succeed and fail
Former Productivity Commission head Gary Banks explores why reports succeed and fail – and why failure now is not necessarily failure forever.
Paul Cairney's Law: Everyone has to ignore almost all information almost all of the time
Professor Paul Cairney reminds us that when we produce solutions to complex problems, our biggest problem still lies ahead: getting people to notice. We should adjust our expectations accordingly, and work patiently.
Gary Banks on the role of reports
Former Productivity Commission chair Gary Banks explores the role reports play in shaping the decisions of governments.
Clear and lively language
Five experts on language and meaning talk about the ways in which how we write shapes our ideas and changes our reports.
Deirdre McCloskey on writing to persuade
Few people in public life have thought more or more deeply than Deirdre McCloskey about how we can use language to persuade people of public policy ideas.
Why reports matter
This episode of Shorewalker On Reports looks at a foundational question: why do we bother to create public reports at all? With Gary Banks, Saul Eslake, Nick Gruen and Peter Martin.